Sunday, October 6, 2013

Just Say No to GMOs

October is Non-GMO Month

Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs have been slowing finding their ways into our food supply ever since the early 90s. They are everywhere! 88% of corn, 93% of soy, 90% of canola, and 55% of sugar beats. If they are in your food they must be safe? Well if you ask the FDA they will say yes. However, many independent studies have shown otherwise. 

These are the top ten reasons to avoid GMOs as compiled by the Institute for Responsible Technology.

  1. GMOs Are Unhealthy 
  2. GMOs contaminate forever
  3. GMOs increase herbicide use
  4. GMOs create dangerous side effects
  5. Government oversight is laxed
  6. GMO research is biased 
  7. Independent research is not covered in the media
  8. GMOs harm the environment 
  9. GMOs do not increase crop yield 
  10. Consumers have the power if we stop buying, GMOs will go aways
For more information on this list please go to The Institute for Responsible Technology website

In a world where the media is controlled by so few companies it is easy for powerful companies such as monsanto to keep negative press out of the big papers. It is up to you as the consumer to educate your self. Read up and remember to. "Just Say No, To GMOs!"